the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved


LVMinc | Happenings, November 2012

Here is November 2012 issue of LVMinc's Happenings newsletter.
LVMinc has had a great run thus far and we are thankful for your support since its beginning two years ago.

We are excited for the future and LVMinc's continual growth.



wall drawings

A return to MASS MoCA brought on the vivid impact of Sol LeWitt's Wall Drawing Retrospective.  These formations of sequence are drawn on the many, many walls of Building no.7 and will be on view for a 25 year period.

A shock of vivid impact remains in the mind's eye long after the actual visit.  In a way, work like this  recalibrates one's psyche.  Sol LeWitt's craft is piercing in all the right ways.

Formula = Sequence + Repeat + Sequence + Repeat = a FORCE not to be reckoned with.

I came away from observing this formula feeling full of conviction, full of spirit and full of inspiration.


LVMinc | Happenings, July Issue no.2


shades of blue

For Tomas' bedroom suite on Central Park South, the derivative equaled shades of blue.

Perhaps it was a counter balance to the blanket of green below where the park's parameters stretched in all directions; perhaps it was a reaction to the lack of sky most children get to take in from their NYC bedroom windows, or perhaps it was just... shades of blue to illuminate a child's imagination. 

We used a full spectrum of blue - ranging from midnight blue to devil egg's blue to turquoise blue and somewhere in between.  We coupled the blues with a pattern of play, of pinstripes and dots.  Dwell Studio is a great resource for the custom wallcovering and decals that give off some flair and Marimekko is an amazing resource for bold, graphic fabrics that are readily stocked if time is not on your side.  The outcome is a modern, playful, and unexpected parlay of graphic color.  Here, Tomas has the opportunity to dream, to play and most importantly, to be.  A child.


a lasting tradition

on a sleepy afternoon, just after the siesta hours - i paid a visit to a family run, family tradition of authentic  textile patterning in Santa Maria, Mallorca.  we were welcomed at the door by a gentle eyed elderly father who soon spoke to us of how his grandfather had passed down the tricks of trade from generation to generation.

these Mallorquin patterns are visceral in my childhood memory.  they are graphic in their form and their shapes are marked in my memory ever since a little girl vacationing in Mallorca.  today, these patterns grace the pages of all the worldly design magazines, with mentions in keynote Mallorcan vacation homes of some celebrities we will keep anonymous.

the elderly gentleman guided me back through the street level of their home and in the back, the room opened up to mill and textile fabrication center itself.  a line of about seven mills take up one room and the other is dedicated to spooling and dying the cotton and linen fibers.  all threads are hand dyed and the markings of this process saturate a stained wall in a Rothko-like composition.

in the world we inhabit nowadays, it was such a pleasure to see that time and tradition has a lasting impression and a lasting imprint.  Artensia Textil Busjosa is a small existence but by no means insignificant.  the tradition and the work is of the highest level and in a way, I hope it remains a little unnoticed so it may keep its integrity intact for a long time to come.