the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved


w a n d e r l u s t

first stop = I N D I A

so today is the day i embark on my wanderlust.
i fly out at midnight from JFK via Doha and then into Trivandrum, India.

i think about the time invested, energy invested into this leap... it seems like it came ever so quickly but at the same time, the moment is here and i do feel right on mark with going...

the literal definition of wanderlust = very strong or irresistible impulse to travel.
so it is.

this week has been a building up to getting my feet off the ground in new york and planted across the waters. my first stop is india. i am plan on traveling through india for six weeks. i fly into kerala where i will be going to the Sivananda yoga ashram for two weeks to get me grounded in my new rhythm of life. i have studied some of Sivananda's philosophy during my yoga teacher training three years ago at Yoga To The People in the east village. that commenced the start of my yoga practice and it came at a time where yoga became my saving grace. so much of my body, spirit and soul has evolved leaps and bounds since then so it feels fitting to start my journey with yoga. the Sivananda ashram has quite a rigorous daily schedule - not much free time to explore but it works - it will allow myself to get my mind focused and my heart adjusted...

Ashram Daily Schedule:
5:30 am - Wake-up bell
6:00 am - Satsang (Silent Meditation, Mantra Chanting, Lecture)
8:00 am - Asanas, Relaxation
10:00 am - Brunch
4:00 pm - Yoga
6:00 pm - Dinner
8:00 pm - Satsang
10:00 pm - Lights out

deep breathe... big breathe...

it has been incredible to see all my loved ones all around me -- supporting, encouraging and literally " pushing" me to get on the plane tonight. i am a lucky one. i have such a fantastic and loving core group of friends and family - who i would not be able to do this without.

thank you to all of you -
my heart goes out to you -
i will carry you with me on my travels -

"whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. boldness has genius, power and magic in it"
- Goethe


belonging ---

sometimes we get the chance to experience an connection to a place and time... and this moment gives us an undeniable sense of belonging.

NYC has given me this.

i took this photo last summer whilst in Paris - i had i subletted an apartment on Rue Charlot, in the spectacular Marais neighborhood. it was my last day, as i was about to return to NYC. i was wandering around and i came upon these painted stencils scattered throughout the streets and it hit me, like a thrust -- a sense of belonging.

This notion of "belonging" is something i have been grappling with in the days coming up to my departure of my life here in NYC and moving towards a journey of unknowns. It is exhilarating and nerve racking all bundled up in the same instance. this is what it is all about...

a dear friend of mine gave me a book of poetry last year called The House of Belonging by David Whyte. There was one poem in particular that stayed with me and I must of read it hundreds, maybe thousands of times. it seems fitting to share this poem with all of you now, as it is quite timely.

The Journey
David Whyte

above the mountains the geese turn into the light again
painting their black silhouettes on an open sky.

sometimes everything has to be enscribed across the heavens
so you can find the one line already written inside you.

sometimes it takes a great sky to find that
first, bright and indescribable wedge of freedom in your own heart.

sometimes with the bones of the black sticks left when the fire has gone out
someone has written something new in the ashes of your life.

you are not leaving
you are arriving.


tracks #41

Tracks #41

this art has stuck with me for quite some time now and has become the source of inspiration of so much of where i am and as i embark on this journey.

there is something quite magical when i think of "tracks" -- this motion of imprints, impressions, moments, reflections all with a parallel yet dynamic constant motion.

the gesture of this art piece emanates...
boldness - grace - reverence
all of which i hope to embrace in fullness.

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