the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved


« ghost riders »

a pit stop at churchill downs brought on a sense of ghost riders from lifetimes past ---

when does one visit churchhill downs on an off day?

well i did and it was marvelous. to see rows and rows of "patrons to be" lined up, fresh soil turned on the tracks and crisp light to set the stage. the only motion in reality was the faint breeze whistling past, no outlandish screams, hackling laughter or unforgiving crowds to tend to. just me and the infamous shadows of churchill downs to be each other's dance partner for a short while in time.

although it was not empty to say the least. the sheer presence of ghost riders was all around and i felt the reverberation of rhythmic hoofs within my steps.

it was such a delightful pit stop. i am not sure if a follow up visit is needed.


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