the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved


« a park view --- »

On a recent hot, sticky summer's day I took refuge and went for a walk in the City Hall Park which afforded me a fabulous park view ---

The PUBLIC ART FUND has given us the gift of various SOL LEWITT structures composed throughout the grassy grounds of this downtown park.  As I wondered through, I could not help but feel the intensity of the bustling motion of NY life and the untamed grassy plinths... They acted the part, the perfect part against the purity and severity of Sol LeWitt's structures... it was as if this modern jungle had been pierced by a piece of clarity we all long for...  A mission well executed and very much well liked.

So much of the time, I feel like I am on the cusp of seeing that one exhibition just in time but this time, this exhibition is not so fleeting ... There is time.  The structures will be on view on the grounds until December 3rd.  By all means, do not miss it. It is one worth pondering around under the shady foliage, even if it means making an atypical stop. Full stop.


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