the tracing

Definition of Tracing:

1. To follow the course of
2. To discover 
3. To draw (a line or figure)
4. To form (letters) 
5. To follow closely 
6. To imprint (a design) 
7. To record (a variable)


larah moravek is an interior designer creating and living in new york city.

the tracing was conceptualized in 2010 when larah took a sojourn to india and asia. today, the tracing continues  documenting the visual inspirations found in the world around her.


all photography by larah v moravek.


© 2012, larah v moravek inc. | LVMinc
all rights reserved



The GOODWIN is opening its doors this week & is ready for business.

It has been a year and a half in the making since owners, Rich Wise and Andre Jones, took on the brownstone and begun its transformation & now the restaurant portion, designed by LVMinc is ready to make its mark with a cache of talented & skilled individuals in their own craft.  For the graphics, I approached my dear friend and talented graphics designer, Catherine Mangosing, to develop the visual package and the result is a wonderful complement to the design. Colin Kruzic is heading the kitchen, where his last collaboration was at Brooklyn's James Restaurant and Liz Teo, is bringing her experience from The Lion and Maritime Hotel to this Village restaurant gem. 

All in all, the GOODWIN is an endeavor to be proud of.

So... chalkboard is up, menus are printed, lights are on.... come on by, show your support & enjoy this amazing addition to the West Village.

the GOODWIN  |  430 Hudson Street NYC 10014  |  M-Sa, Lunch & Dinner


lorenzo, leather crafter

In a tiny town of Inca, Mallorca we spent some hours greeting, gesturing, exchanging, creating with a Mallorquin family who has been in the business of crafting custom horse saddles for many years.

As of recent, Lorenzo who is the lead crafter, has expanded into other leather goods and I had the pleasure to work with him on a few pieces.  it is fascinating to see how we can gesture and draw together in an afternoon and witness the unmistakable quality of the visual story. It speaks volumes.  Lorenzo's family is humble yet so richly talented in their craft.

To see Lorenzo work in those minutes and hours so swifting and intuitively is impressive.
The tangible quality of such endeavors, of using one's own hands to create in this way is precious and should be respected many times over.





happenings, issue no.1

LVMinc is expanding its net...

... and with that, a newsletter has been conceptualized to share the going's on and happenings of what we have been up to, what we are inspired by and what we are looking forward to (amongst other interesting notions too)

April will be issue no.1 for : HAPPENINGS :
This issue highlights the opening of The Goodwin and a collaboration with Pico|Little Architecture.

It is the start of something.





you like what you like

i find each day i am drawn to certain things, certain music, certain inspiration... depending on my needs & desires. is that just a natural rhythm?
or is just simply, you like what you like.

well, i found some repetition in the inspiration that flashed before me and caught my eye one afternoon perusing the sights of this city.

it was all about the strength of linearity in the graphics of architectural delineation. first at the UN building and then, at the Met atrium. in those same two spaces, the strength and grace of "woman" also called out to me.

to see these concepts build on themselves in my polaroids brings me such happiness.
it feels good.




delta furniture is a family founded, family run upholstery fabrication company located in montreal, canada.

i took a trip to montreal in the midst of a snow storm to review some custom furniture mockups. the facilities are extremely well kept with a family sensibility that produces excellent craftsmenship, even in the unique realm of passenger transportation.

it is always so exciting to see designs on paper come to life and to work out the nuances in the field, it is this hands on experience that really allows the artistic craft to be realized in true form. so after a detailed review of tucking, adjusting, minimizing, expanding - i took a walkabout and took in the sights and sounds of a skilled craft onto its own.